There is no such thing as "the" Illuminati. First off, "illuminati" in Webster's is defined as "people having or professing to have special intellectual or spiritual enlightenment". The capitalized version of the term is secondary in the dictionary; it confirms that the cabals conspiracy theorists yap on about are indeed usually secret, but submits that it could be any such one claiming to be however people precede the label with "the". Anyway, to restate the main point, illuminati understood primarily is not an exclusive sect but rather the sum total of enlightened individuals on the planet; not only do they not need to be organized to qualify as illuminati, but also they needn't even congregate, and hermits isolated in log cabins, caves and the ruins of ancient monasteries could qualify as members of the said population.
Are illuminati, or The Illuminati, in control of our world? What are you smoking? The new world "order" is a dictatorship of stupidity, not enlightenment. Get with the times! It's not even order; it's chaos. I would surgically donate my testes to Satan in exchange for an enlightened world order, but we're not going to get one. Satan treasures his polity of stupidity far more than the prospect of my definitive emasculation, especially since the net effect of his disorder so effectively approximates the emasculation of men the planet needs more of [-- not to brag].
The believers in the monolithic Illuminati (quintessentially oxymoronic) never fail to surprise me on YouTube. I watch their brilliant dissections of the entertainment industry's use of occult symbolism, and while perceptive of its corrosive influence, the dissections invariably lack the simple and quite true assertion that the fare is astonishingly crude and imbecilic. If my grandfather, God forbid, was still around to size up this morbid garbage being cranked out in sneezes and farts by missing links, he wouldn't even have to think before commanding me to turn off "the idiot box". The average cubic centimeter of Hollywood diarrhea doesn't bespeak of the sophistication of its producers, but rather the crackbrainedness of its adolescent consumer groping in the dark. I don't even blame the entertainment mogul in particular; I blame the mother who has high-fructose corn syrup coming out of her teat instead of milk.

It is obvious that popular sexiness is a powerful sociological force, but intelligent men apprehend its essential worthlessness in convention. But again, these YouTubers always surprise me by consistently failing to avow how jaw-droppingly ugly and aesthetically backwards the whores (women who prosper by way of great the admiration we know so well, yet does not take on the responsibility of speech, particularly in celebritydom) -- to me and others like me -- obviously are. Am I missing something?
Allow me to describe to you how a conspiracy is, in fact, conceived; it goes a little something like this: (A'one, an'na two, an'na one-two-three...) "Whoop!-whoop!-whoop! Hoo! Hoo!-hoo! Wah! Wah-wah! NYAH! Nyah-nyah! Nguh-nguh-nguh? NGEE! Whoop-whoop! Wah! Eureka! I JUST TOOK A SHIT!"
Nobody -- NOBODY -- is in control. I won't do it, ladies and gentlemen; I'm not a pedant of clown-art. I will not do it; but supposing that there was a far more charitable scholar out there who for the sake of argument would discuss it with you... how would you answer this question: If THE Illuminati did exist, what would it do for man that he has not already willingly chosen for the gratification of his calloused penis?
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