My email account has been exhibiting some strange... "behavior", shall we say? in the past twenty-four hours. (I'll skip the specifics.) These occurrences, coupled with the recent popular media buzz asserting that all online peoples' activity on the internet is now being stored in a massive government database -- in Utah, I think -- has made me wonder just exactly what could be done proactively with the information.
Indeed: proactively, not retroactively. Evidence collected to retroactively investigate a criminal suspect could be thrown out of court when time comes to prosecute. (Strike off military courts for now.) Suppose a supreme court decided that a legal right to privacy does not exist on the internet. Still then... what would the government even want to prosecute? or deter? We might ask: does the government or state really even exist? Or is it rather an appendage of the cigar-chomping, Benjamin-burning global corporatist? So let's wonder what the corporatist would like to deter. Hm... I'm stumped. All I can do is conjecture or speculate that this childish shadow of a man, this digit-crunching corporatist, simply wants to deter love and passion, and good taste besides. And that sounds unbelievable! What man would want to do away with those things, and never grow up to discriminate between what makes a life worthwhile and full versus everything else? It would require a pathologically grandiose and astonishingly narcissistic, fanatically humanist-racist Weltanschuung to entertain this aspirational distaste for what is truly excellent and immortal.
Extraordinary! Yet a conscientious observer of society might seriously suspect such an agenda due to the fact that the would-be results -- or "symptoms" -- are quite manifest; world culture is corroded and it stinks like a putrefied wildebeest carcass in mating season. But one must point out something to the conscientious observer: there are market forces behind this phenomenon of putrefaction. I admit that there are massive industries operating to discourage through propaganda dignity and existential purpose, but the mechanism of consumerism doesn't belie the necessary deliberacy of any malefactor less intelligent than Satan to prove aforethought, much less a war room conspiracy.

Now, the reality is that what is good is chosen on a personal, individual level. But in their ignorant perversion, Satan and the corporatist think it's a numbers game. It is self-evident that goodness is not a numbers game, because if it was then the heart would understand math. Satan and the corporatist do have goodness in their hearts, but willfully miss the salience of the fact that their respective organs do not actually perform computations. And in their pride they take racial credit for the power of a real computer to do just that. So they have no problem thanklessly assimilating the computer onto the throne of their corrupt world order with zero acknowledgement of the foundations of the universe. Is the computer or internet now producing an algorithm toward a proactive method, pensively waited for by malefactors with bated breath? Or is the computer supposed to produce an actual, clear purpose or goal? Satan himself confuses these two questions with each other; and he's too intellectually lazy to discriminate between method and purpose. As nature slips away from itself, he sits back and enjoys the adrenaline rush of the futurist scholar's paranoia.
Suppose the computer lived up to the wildest expectations of the fallen angel and computed something more discernable than a dollar figure. Well -- would it be a biological ideal? Hell no! First, the biosphere is already thoroughly gang-raped and polluted. Second, not to brag, but yours truly is by unanimous consensus Hitler's wet dream in the biological respect, and yet I am as quintessentially far from worldly glory, power and influence right now as a Westerner can get. So where does that leave the supposed function of the proactively Satanic "government" computer database? Is it supposed to calculate some kind of freakish spiritual revolution God can't touch? Whatever, chief -- in the realization of the electron chip, Satan appears to have dealt himself a trick with a queen of spades who will jump off the table and start dancing in utter buffoonery.
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