2:11 pm EST
Nelson's King James Version (1972)
David Attenborough's Life on Earth: a Natural History (1979)
The author (a biologist) forfeits interpretation to metaphysicians, physicists, cosmologists, chemists, geologists, and other theologians -- roughly in that order.
The bringing forth of "grass" is in 3 varieties: sugars, nucleic acids and amino acids. The formulation is achieved in an unknown planetary location, under ultraviolet rays, by lightning, in the midst of clouds of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, methane -- with little to no oxygen -- swirling, with possible provision of additional ingredients of the same grass from meteorites. The bringing forth of the "seed" after his "kind" is the creation of proteins achieved through the progressive combination and complexifying unions of the grasses, likely taking place in close vicinity to hydrothermal vents on the sea floor and persisting there for a while. The interaction of the seeds marks the bringing forth of the "fruit" deoxyribonucleic acid on the physical "tree", or hydrothermal vent column ascending upon the "earth" (sea floor) in the midst of polar and communally stable dihydrogen monoxide, or water. The seed is indeed so now in the fruit...
... yielding seed after his kind: and God sees that it is good.
[more to come]
What is the psychology of pathological ignorance, in which so many individuals masturbate and delight? We might speculate on this mystery by affirming ignorance's pursuing in its healthy form. When is ignorance good in physical science and theology, or when does it produce good results? Maybe I should leave this question up to the rabid dogmatists to provide me with an answer, and by "rabidness" I mean reading English with the sole intention of negating or contradicting knowledge or fact in order that one may gratify himself. My personal disclosure for now is that what ignorance I have is good when it produces wonder, reverence and respect. And for the time being, I'll point out that satanic-corporatist-industrialist-fascist planet-murderers love "your" wasting of time and energy in dogmatistic wordplay, which I imagine that you exercise in an attempt to return to the genital stages of your childhoods.
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