Saturday, March 2, 2013


[originally written Christmas night, 2012 -- If you find the style of this article too angry for your liking, please chalk that up to its age, and keep in mind that it is ultimately about a scientific principle in spite of the emotion with which it was produced.]

What was once merely anti-Darwinist sociological sentiment has now progressed into an outright cannibalism of self-image. The declining Indo-European birthrate and minoritization is not so much due to colonialist guilt and whatnot. Nay, it's vanity here. They look at what Marylin Manson called a “great big white world”, i.e., an ecosystem or biosphere hurting from institutional parasitism. They look at: all the various aboriginals imitating and adopting “Western” practices – a whole way of life – and how easily; willingly; irreverently, non-soberly; clownishly. The result is not multiculturalism but monoculturalism, and otherwise fertile whites can't bring themselves to believe that continuing the generations in such a world is not below their dignity and high-minded bitterness.

It's a tasteless, zombie monoculture made possible by the torrential disposability of its artifice, and all what's left to witness the incessant vaporization of a worthless magic freakshow that restarts every dawn is essentially the phallus. And for some reason they kid themselves into thinking there's something original and new in this crypt-on-a-cloud that – every day being “opposite day” – calls itself “an economy”, when like a personal computer it introduces itself upon your every re-engagement.

Nay, not guilt over colonialism here, but rather aesthetic revulsion at its results and ongoing evolution. For a white youth to believe that the Earth-and-world is now more beautiful than it once was, he would have to have been duped by his Biology teacher into believing we all had the brows and jawbones and back-hair of Neandertal or a lower hominid as late as the time of the Agricultural Revolution. As for the “young Earth creationists”, and maybe all the creationists of today – I imagine that their blitheness before the cheap, shoddy, inferior and nihilistic architecture of the decaying metropolises they inhabit are for reasons as myriad as any diagnostic category in the DSM-IV could ever be – or are we on #5, now?

White guilt, for an educated man, would not poison his aesthetic senses but liberate them. What ever happened to our romantic notions of American Indian animism? Some writers have asserted (fallaciously, if I may add) that the Noble Savage is a myth. But high-schoolers don't read books, so what gives? I strongly suspect that the flipping of white guilt (from feeling bad about planet-rape and genocide to feeling bad about “economic disparity” or poor social justice) has now penetrated grade schools! We are now taught to atone for the sins of ancestors by plundering the environment more instead of LESS! I am not a crackpot; the great mulatto president now and has always asserted that employment for financial gain is a good thing. Obama calls these strange, maladaptive exercises “jobs”. The truth is that it would be far more ecosystematically beneficial if Joe the Plumber developed his ass into the shape of his chair – and a nice rocking chair at that; certainly not a car seat: duh. Barack's wife, Michelle, is now nominally famous for having you believe she'd like you to experience the great outdoors and lose a little weight and gain a little calf muscle, but what most of you already know without even acknowledging it to yourselves is that for miles around you, the great outdoors no longer exist – or are not “great”. Honestly, how in hell does Michelle expect you to lose weight when her own husband is trying successfully to pay some dumb nature-rapist to thoughtlessly repave a sidewalk, killing ants and other small critters and their habitats, and eliminating grass, dandelions, etc.? Sir, please: put the glass dick down. And you, sir: put the leaf-blower down. Decaying vegetation is not ugly; YOU ARE. If maybe YOU took your fat ass off the sidewalk instead of leaves (which smell better than you besides), I might go for a stroll whether it's raining or not, and I don't even know where my umbrella is.

Now a perfectly innocent person might think that all this disdain for the great outdoors is simply due to the fact that all the fun is taking place “indoors”. Well, just for fun, let's look up “fun” in the dictionary: WEBSTER'S: lively, joyous play; amusement, sport, recreation... enjoyment or pleasure. Uh, OK. Come on in, guys! Let's go into my study and play rugby! What's that? You'd rather watch the pros play it on TV at the bar? What bar? How much is the cheapest horse-piss? Can I bring the chess set? You suck at chess, you say? Well then I'll go easy on you. What's that, you say? That me going easy on you would emasculate you? Well how could I make you feel more like a man? What's that? You say you want me to engage you in idle chatter for hours while we watch sports and you become intoxicated for no particular reason, and then you want me to drive you to your spartan apartment, go on in and perform fellatio on you? Wait, could you repeat that last part? Wait, say that one more time? OK, I can't quite understand you; could you spell that word out?

Well shit; that didn't work... why don't people wanna “hang” with me? Don't they like me? Maybe I should join a church. Or maybe I should pony up extortionary amounts of cash so that I can walk into a classroom and let an ideologically amorphous institution cull out individuals from the population who are more literate and cerebral than the vast majority. Oh, wait, I forgot: most of the male students need to rush home after class to maintain their videogame addiction, most of the female students have to immediately go clock in to work in order to support their illegitimate offspring, and any other student who doesn't fit this profile in a rough sense lives halfway across town, and my friendship isn't worth driving me around for, especially since there are no sightseeing opportunites to speak of in between the two places where we lay our heads; again, because all the fun and wonder and recreation is taking place “indoors” – supposedly.

And on top of all this – gee! – do ya THINK a perfect stranger MIGHT just crave the sedative effect of an orgasm? over friendship itself? After all, he's got a Facebook account, right? What does he need another friend for?

Young white singles do not enjoy this relational game of go-fish as much as they pretend to enjoy it. The only class for whom mating behavior is not largely arbitrary or random are those people who manage to snowball mutual friends and relatives. Since I'm getting weary of writing this essay, let's for now just say that the “go-fishers” (those who seek a social circle via "special interests", for example) and the “snowballers” (those who depend on accumulating new relationships via meeting the friends of their older and loyal friends) are the two basic phylogenetic subdivisions of the human species – which I doubt; I'm just being expedient.

Snowballing is the only eternally recurrent human mating custom.

It is true that some go-fishing whites – or people of any ethnicity, for that matter – do successfully marry as a result of serendipity or approximate serendipity. In fact, these couples may – perhaps even likely – possess greater simpatico in their relationships and have more loving and stable families. The problem for the go-fishers is that the majority of their class does not mate successfully, for any and every reason indicated in this essay. They may be more educated, more mature; they may even be more natively intelligent and enterprising. But the greater effect that go-fishers have on the world, the more chaotic the social milieu becomes.

By “chaotic” I largely mean splintered. It is the go-fishers' very nature to make things more extramural, to seek things more extramural, and to recommend activities more extramural to their children. It is a vicious cycle: the more extramural the day-to-day habits are in a population, the weaker are the local communities, even if its members were all technically law-abiding. Look at the evidence; even deliberate attempts to congregate (such as a church service or a stadium event) do not reach the critical level of culture and celebration necessary for these – let's face it – STRANGERS to even expect to get to know someone, anyone, and take the obvious step of engaging in “indoor fun” in someone's home. The shit rarely happens, and go-fishers know it, and for knowing it they give themselves a pat on the back for being “realistic”, instead of boldly trying to change things.

So again: even if go-fishers are on the biological ascent, their procreation automatically checks itself because its correlary of community weakness makes things that much more difficult for the offspring of every new generation as regards formation of personal relationships. The odds are against success – and the sexual frustration, inevitable ineptitude in social situations clearly lacking purpose, and aimless wandering in professional and recreational life reflect this. Go-fishers have the pedal to the metal in this maze-like, narrow evolutionary tunnel of theirs, but there is no sparkle of power or respeciation at the end of it.

Now we've set the stage to conclude this rant and remark on snowballing. Indeed, it is the default mating strategy. The world is a ghetto, and it works in the ghetto better than go-fishing; yes, even its respective nymphomaniacs fare better, strictly speaking. Yes, snowballing is eternally recurrent for a social animal. Plenty of would-be go-fishers sink into its bosom... a little late. That's me, maybe, but by “late” I mean doing it well; I'd prefer a snowballed life, I think, but like a chess game one can accumulate mistakes, and the brain-farts of the enemy have to be exploited in true go-fishing fashion. So that's the caveat. I have most definitely attempted snowballing, but my recommendations for success in this strategy are quite speculative...

… unless I'm referring negatively to my own personal failures. TOP 3 – and then we're done for now, dammit. 1) Thou shalt not cultivate a friendship by sharing an addiction; feeding it reflects no meaningful elements of your personalities. 2) Thou shalt not typically engage with your friend in activities requiring money; good things are usually free of charge for a reason. 3) Thou shalt not ever rely on Hollywood to stimulate conversation with your friend; it contextualizes your common experiences and desires a lot less than you may think it does.

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